
Brad Bass

Science Fiction

Crashed is a sci-fi adventure based in the future, about five space travelers on a mission to mine and retrieve fuels from distant locations. Their hibernation is interrupted when their ship malfunctions and they crash on a nearby planet. On the planet they explore the ancient dilapidated civilization, struggling to survive. What lurks in the darkness watching them? And what secrets did they bring with them?

Need has turned energy into a precious commodity with certain fuels becoming more valuable than most precious metals. The ship was owned by Orion, a large energy company, and shot through space faster than the speed of light. It was a long way from its home world and was categorized as Field Research Vessel 5131; its current commission: research speculative fuel source locations for fuel extraction. Its current mission status: long duration. Its current passenger occupancy: five. Inside the ship it was silent. Flashing across a small viewing screen were the words: program initiated, emergency protocol, t-minus 5-4-3...

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Crashed by Brad Bass

The cover was designed by Robin Stacey.

Magic World

Brad Bass


Helios was a magic, born and raised. His magic was limited but he could summon up a pretty good fireball when he wanted to and he didn't like getting spit on. He held his palm up for the shopkeeper to see, a small fireball appeared, hovering in his palm. The shopkeeper stood frozen, staring. The fireball started stretching thinner and thinner, growing longer and longer upward, suddenly it flew off his palm, through the air at the shopkeeper, winding around his neck, then disappearing in a puff of smoke. The shopkeeper wide-eyed jumped onto Helios, pounding him with his fists.

Magic World is available to buy in paperback, and Kindle

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Magic World by Brad Bass

Scimitar Edge Authors